TeleBlend utilizes state of the art technology to provide a feature-rich, reliable phone service through your existing broadband Internet connection. Simply sign up through our web site and connect the adapter provided in the self install kit that arrives in the mail. Why pay more when you already have a broadband Internet connection? You are just a few clicks away from the best value in phone service and never having to pay for long distance calls.
Here is what you need:
Broadband Internet Connection Analog Telephone Handset (corded or cordless) TeleBlend Adapter (a.k.a. the Gizmo, provided free of charge!)
Connect your TeleBlend telephone adapter to your exiting modem or router and connect a regular telephone handset to the adapter, and just like that you have a full featured telephone line without the expensive bill.
You can call anyone, anywhere in the US for FREE and your friends and family around the world for just pennies!
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